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miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

2020 6to A INGLES ACT 3

Hello!!!! Aquí les mando otra actividad para ir realizando la segunda semana. Recuerden realizar el ejercicio en la carpeta. No debes copiar el texto, solo debes realizar la ejercitación.

Lee la historia de Binti Jua  y completa las oraciones con TRUE/ FALSE

                                                       Good luck!!!!!😉😉

               The story of Binti Jua

Binti Jua is a gorilla.She lives in the gorilla` s área with three other gorillas in the zoo.She isn´t an aggressive animal but the other gorillas are very aggressive!

There is a little boy at the zoo.His name is David and he is three years old .David¨s mother is with him. He is climbing the fence...It`s very dangerous!

David is in the gorilla´s área!The gorillas are looking at David.He is in terrible danger!!

Binti Jua is with David.The other gorillas are looking at him...but they are not attacking him. Binti Jua is protecting David.

Now, there is a man from the zoo next to Bindi .He is taking David. David is safe!!!

David is in hospital now, he is talking to his mother and he is smiling! Binti Jua is a hero!!!


Now, read the sentences abou the story and write true/ false

1 The boy' s name is David ---------

2 The Little boy is with his father----------

3 The boy is talking to Binti Jua-----------

4Binti Jua is attacking the boy------------

5 The other gorillas are protecting the boy-----------

6 Binti Jua is a hero-------------